Friday, January 23, 2009


ARGH!!!!! Stupid FA tomorrow!!! If not for it..I would have been on my way home tomorrow afternoon 2pm bus...just because of it...I've to go back Ipoh on Saturday instead where all my uni frens have all gone back today or going back tomorrow...*SOBZ* Meaning less one day to chat with my friends on the phone or meet up with them...especially when I cant attend the 5s2 gathering which's on Sat night...sighzzz....and most important less one day to spend with my sweet, comfy everything back in Ipoh ==> HOME!!! And worse I'm starting to feel way TOO relax..I AM studying...but...don't know...just depends la tomorrow's FA...just hope it wont come out too bad -.-'' I'm SOoooo missing home~~~


chewwei said...

what's that FA thing..??

cheesy-pops said...

Hey Sweetie!!

I JUST READ ALL YOUR BLOG POSTS!!! So I had so much to comment on for every post, but I'm too lazy to do it now coz' there's so much. Hehe~ I'll make it a point to check your blog more often now... NOW YOU HAVE UPDATE DAILY! :P

luv ya loads. Girls don't need boys when we have girls!

All the best in your exams!!
