Saturday, February 07, 2009

Valentine's Day around the corner... more week...just 7days away to Valentine's Day...14th of February...and as usual I'm going to have a lonely one again....not that I mind...haha...its just normal for me already....hahaha..and I'm not going to expect anything too...I'm sooooo anti-social + unpopular + nerdy that guess the guys in my class would rather go for other girls....or not...since alot of them I guess is more concerned about their studies and passing FA then to worry about girls...LOL =p And I'm going to spend this year's Valentine's at my sis's place..2 singles...hahahaha....

Oh BIG news...I FINALLY know how to use the can opener!!!!!! should be something that I should be happy about...although its the 1st time I'm using it...all the while its my dad who opened the cans for me back at home...but now I have to do it myself la...and I succeeded!!!! Woohoo~~~


chewwei said...

you just learned how to use the can opener??
can't believe it...

cheesy-pops said...

you finally learned how to use a CAN OPENER?!?!?!?!

