Sunday, April 05, 2009

Dermatologist visit

Went to consult a dermatologist today about my skin problems that have been persisting for about 3months had given me lots of medicine to try to cure it but no use...and so last resort to visit the specialist...This Dr Chew was actually my Jap teacher's sis...and her clinic's right beside Institute Yeoh where I had my PA tuition during form6...Anyway...after consulting her...found out that I'm actually having a skin disease ==> Atopic Eczema...where i'm having sensitive skin problems...started out when I had that allergic towards metal....then it just got aggravated by sunlight, stress, fatigue and lack of sleep...and also the inheritance rate is very it from my mum's mum, my aunt and my grandmother all have skin problems....oh now I've to apply medicine, eat antibiotics and antihistamines plus using special cleanser for bathing...and I'm not allowed to drink milk and eat nuts...not advisable to kena have to wear long sleeves or a sweated whenever I go out under the has recovered alot already...but hopefully it'll heal faster la...I'm getting so bothered with this skin problem of mine...

What I found about this skin problem...


cheesy-pops said...

oh dear eczema's not good, especially not in humid Malaysia! Hope you learn to live with it and hopefully it won't bother you too much.


Timothy Chen said...

It isn't anything serious right? Well I couldn't imagine not being able to drink milk. Me love milk