Tuesday, June 20, 2006

hELp m3...!!!!

媽啊!!Today is such unlucky day for me =S How can anyone be SOoooo noisy....like a GIGANTIC "generator"....bla bla bla for the whole day....2 people tim err....MAN!!! Even me also not their competition la...i'm only the volume of my voice..other than that...i can be as quiet as can be...& now it results that both my ears are still ringing by the continuous booming of their voices =.=" Aiks...poor me...guess i'll be having nightmares tonight ='( Plus reminder to myself that next time guess i gotta remember to bring lotsa cotton buds to stuff my ears almost whole day already =.="


1 comment:

cheesy-pops said...

who who who????


sigh .... natural gas..... =S research ....

lucky babe u are =) bla bla bla bla blab lablablabalablablabal

ringing yet? FIUH! =P

miss ya'