Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Stress pressing on my nerves -- SHOO~!!!!

Sorry to my mum and to you. I know I should not have showed my bad mood with anger instead. Mum was quite shocked with my loud voice with a hint of irritation over the phone when she called in the afternoon to ask me about my window. And she was complaining about me not knowing and not understanding that they are all actually caring about me. Not that I do not understand, but its just a bad time. And bad mood too. Guess I was also giving him a bad time to be with me for the whole afternoon. No wonder he's more pressurised. It ain't that easy to be not stressed by just asking me not to be stressed. This is sure gonna be worse when the Professional Exam II for Year 2 is here next year's March. @_@ Maybe it might be a good idea if we separate ourselves to study on our own in this pre-exam period. I might get into a tantrum someday when I can't relieve my stress. And I hope the one beside me at that time won't be you.

Tough neck and shoulder muscles + insomnia + moody = evidence of stress

I'm sure to looking forward to next Wed, which is after exam. Then it'll be a great relief for me. And to my nerves too.

OK. I'm only contradicting myself. Coz' I can't stand not seeing you even for one second. =(

張芸京 - 愛情選項

張芸京 - 相反的我





Monday, September 27, 2010

Reproduction - DONE. Endocrine - STARTING.

I actually slept at 6.45am this morning. And woke up at 9 by my alarm clock. But thought better to sleep more and read more when I wake up later. So was wakened up instead by my dear's sms at 10.20am. Met him up for lunch. And after lunch, I just drilled through my reproductive system physiology and managed to finish it in like..3 hours? Was actually planning to not sleep at all. But my eyelids just wouldn't let me do so and so climbed onto the bed finally when the sun rays can be seen faraway. Now my eyes are as swollen as panda with huge shadows beneath the eyes. And outside is raining again. Lucky no strong winds, but still my cardboard did a great job preventing rain from drowning my precious books and notes wet. I am so gonna sleep early tonight though I know its impossible to compensate for the loss of sleep. Looking forward to tomorrow where I can get to meet my dear. =) And also for someone to finally come and fix my window. Haiz. And has it dropped off yet? Nope. Still hanging strongly though. Hope nothing will happen till tomorrow le.

Endocrine. Hoping to finish by tomorrow or day after tomorrow? I've gastrointestinal system to go. And days are coming nearer. Hope the time can just stop and I can finish everything, better still revise once more. Memory's getting worse nowadays. @_@






Stress = Procrastination?

OK. I'm weird. The more stressed I get, the more procrastinating I get. Which means I'll tend to can't concentrate better although keeps on worrying that I can't finish everything on time. Even more stressed thinking of our future and what you have told me today during dinner. Not blaming you though. Its me myself. =S And great! I forgot about how caffeine caused me to get insomnia. @_@ 4.04am. Am blogging to keep myself concentrate more on my studies. And also to keep my fingers busy while memorising important points. I am so not sleepy yet. Guess gonna stay up till the sun appears from the horizon appears outside the window empty space where the window is supposed to be. I'm now accompanied by the darkness outside + the quietness of the hostel + songs that somehow calms me down + notes on reproductive (Yes, I'm still on it! But finishing soon. Then I can sleep. Finally.) Oh, and also accompanied by spells of sneezing just now. Almost wanted to reach out for my medication, whatever it may be just to stop me from it. But thought twice. And luckily I did. Coz' I'm OK now. Haha. I'm gonna appear as a panda these few days. Seriously I think I can only study late at night. A 'no-no' in the afternoons coz' it'll only cause me get more and more sleepy by facing the squiggly words, for no reason. Oh well, as usual. My bad habit, hard to change after so many years. Don't worry, I'll adapt to your early sleeping habits once I don't need to face books anymore. >.<

I'll still like Leo Ku's songs no matter that you dislike Hong Kong people. At least he can sing and his songs are great! Blerkz~

Does getting into a relationship results in smaller circle of friends?

Maybe I am thinking too much. Again. Or maybe I was caring for the feelings of the other half of mine too much. I have a feeling of getting more and more further away from my friends. Is that good or bad? I have a feeling that now I'm living more and more only in the circle of me and him. Maybe that was because I spent almost 24hours with him? Hm. Big sorry to Ernie, Fishy, ZW, Huey Leng, Ah Ong, Shan and so many others. I believe I somehow seemed 'Missing In Action' to you guys. Probably you guys have even lost track of how I look like, where I am and what I am doing currently. Especially my gang back in high school. I've not been seeing them for like...I also forgot when was the last time I met up with them. Aiks! Especially ZW, who knew about me more than my own 'ji muis', don't quite dare to contact me since he knows about Michael due to some..erm...previous incident..? Lols. Hm. Maybe I should keep in touch with them more le. I feel like an outcast to them now since even Fishy didn't mention in her FB post that she loves me. =( And I'm so terribly outdated with whatever happened to them. I don't want to lose these hard-to-find friends. And yet I'm not prepared to sacrifice him for them if it means for me to do so. Maybe I was just too selfish. What am I to do? >.<

Another stressful yet duno-what-to-do night. Sigh.

Now its already 1.44am. GAH! I'm still stuck in reproductive system here. At least I finished pathology and anatomy. Now in embryology, finishing soon and can go on with physiology. Promised myself to finish everything before I'm allowed to touch my head to the pillow. Just gunned down coffee. Gonna spend the night I guess. And at the same time making myself keep awake by listening to Leo Ku's songs. =D Just pray hard that I won't be wakened up early tomorrow morning by the stupid construction drilling sound on 2nd floor. @_@

Also need to pray that my stupid window which currently is hanging down pathetically just by the bottom hinges won't fall down and can wait till Tuesday where the maintenance would (hopefully) come and fix it for me. The top hinges just broke off today this morning when I was trying to close the window before heading off to church. Managed to pull the stupid heavy window up by giving my fingers some scratches and stay in place, just yet. But guess the strong wind + heavy rain somehow caused the window to shifted from the place and dropped down, hanging there. And why do I need to wait till Tues? Coz' our dear Chairman, Dato' Peter Ng's dad passed away and so the school is closed tomorrow as a sign of respect.

Pre-exam days are just no fun. Sigh. All I did for almost 24hours is just to face books + notes. But for mine, and also his future, we both just have to work hard to go through for the remaining 3 and a half years, no matter how difficult these are. Lack of sleep and overusage of brain cells are certainly unavoidable. Aiks! No wonder the doctors I've seen all looked older than their age. Maybe its because of less number of brain cells all spent during the 5years, or more for specialists of studies? =p Oh my..does that mean it'll be the same for me as well? NOooOooo~!!!! Medicine can be fun sometimes, but one thing for certain, it IS killing as well. Wait, I LOVE medicine. (Articles say you must love something to put more interest in it..lols) Now I'm just looking forward to next Wednesday afternoon and whole Thursday, care-free + stress-free day. =D

Exam schedule:
4th Oct (Mon), 9-11.30am: Written Paper I (Short Answer Question paper)
5th Oct (Tues): OSPE (not sure group A or group B yet)
6th Oct (Wed), 9-11am: Written Paper II (MCQ paper)

The relieving thing is this time's paper is only consists of Year 2 Semester 1 stuffs. Wait till 5 more months later, that will be consisting of both Year 1 and Year 2 stuffs. And also this one doesn't contribute as much as the one in the finals. Best thing is..I have NOT even started on my 1st year's stuffs!!! I am SOoooo stressed.!!!!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


我该继续信任他吗?一次又一次的信任与原谅,却换来一次又一次的心痛与忧郁……忧郁着我该不该继续瞒着自己的心相信他……我知道我不该去探他的隐私,但不只一次他瞒着我,真的让我很不安。It does not include only the past, but also the present. 虽然他说他心里只有我一个,但看着他们所聊的事,真的感到有点心酸。在想着,到底我为他做了那么多,是值得的吗?那他对我的又是一片真心吗?还是纯粹只因我为他做太多了,想报答,而且也不敢伤害我吗?真搞不懂他……有点感觉到我其实不怎么了解他了……以为了解却一点也捉摸不到他心里深处的那一角……




Thursday, September 23, 2010

漂亮女孩和普通女孩的 十个区别
































Cantonese dubbed Princess and the Frog

古巨基 - 公主病了

公主 請開口吩咐 你看 我多可惡
若我可不工作 若你肯笑著捱苦

公主 須要傳奇 王子 卻也 最講骨氣
其實你 憑著戀愛去自愛

好男人已死光了 剩下甚麼都嘲笑
誰欠了你 還債的你又嫌少
小王子你不懂要 獨自在溫室嬌俏
任你的歲月燃燒 小心生病了

公主 不會上路 還好 有我 領旨即到
閒坐一世 誰又敢對你負責

好男人已死光了 剩下甚麼都嘲笑
誰欠了你 還債的你又嫌少
小王子你不懂要 獨自在溫室嬌俏
任你的歲月燃燒 始終長大不了

當男子漢跑光了 我愛你可不可笑
但我格格 誰替你繼續抬轎

古巨基 - 獨男

古巨基 - 时代

古巨基 - 时代

有人为怕告别春风 放弃过冬

彷佛有没有病痛 亦有病容
为何被逼必须开心 逼得更悲
风雨急 岁月赶 每滴光阴一额汗
谁竟懒得抹干 污迹应洗烫未洗烫
不再讲 人须经过什么 会更加强壮
一刻不开朗便沮丧 为失望而失望
这麽紧张的心 怎能放
有人害怕再没工作 无法进睡
何妨用阴影压下来 心晴朗
时代令天空塌下来 更会珍惜阳光

陶喆 - 流沙

張棟樑 - 黃昏

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Mooncake Festival~!!!

My dear,

Everyday spending almost 24hours with you is precious and memorable enough, and certainly enjoyable. But today is kind of special. At least to me. Guess for you as well. Because for the past 20 years, I've been spending Mooncake Festival with my family. And certainly last year I haven't get to know you well, so I spent it alone. But this year is different. And hopefully for the many years to come. =) Nothing special actually. We had our daily routine of studying together in school. Spent most of the time walking. Lunch as usual cheap but not too bad.

Its the part where we ate mooncake and drink green tea at your house. And also dinner at a further place from the usual ones where we ate better and healthier food. That is what I call CONTENTMENT. Cheap but unmeasureably nice, especially together with you. Simple way of celebrating Mooncake Festival and yet perfect. And since you're one part of my family, I am still celebrating with my family. *BIG smiles*

Thank you dear. =)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Goats in my room


That is what I always hear in my room. And that is my roommate's new handphone's SMS tone. Lols. Which freaked myself out the 1st time after she bought her handphone. I remembered asking myself how can there be goats outside of my hostel as it is surrounded by housing area. Plus I was stuffing my ears with my headphones. And the thing is, whenever I remove my headphones wondering what's the source of the sound, the sound's not there anymore. Freaky~ And yet I didn't ask her about it la. Not until the next morning when we woke up together and I heard the sound again, only I realised its from her handphone. Lols. Stupid me enough to not clarify my doubts the night before.

Oh my. Its just so hot tonight. Again. Yesterday night too. How I just hope for a heavy rainstorm now to lower down the temperature. Sigh. Today too is the day of the starting of my 2-weeks study break. Still procrastinating. Not good though. Have to revise everything at least twice. Hope I'm given more time. Yikes!

Trust. Faith.

Trust is the basis of a relationship, no matter between family or friends, and especially between a pair of couples or between husband and wife. No lies or secrets should be hidden from in order to maintain a good relationship. Without trust, there will be no more relationship.

Everyone is sure to have their own past, regardless of having a good or bad past. No one is ever 100% perfect. Even though it might affect the present or the future, but one should not hold on to the past and instead should look forward to the future. The past of a person does not mean the person would repeat his/her mistakes nor will it affect his/her ways of judging a situation. Its the heart that is the most important. Nothing beats it. The past just does not judge one's heart.

So..even though it may be difficult, guess I just have to put in more trust into him. He's much too important for me to let go just because of my lack of trust in him. Until the day he's not worth for me to trust him anymore. I just can't take it if anyone betrays me. That will just make me lose faith in everyone, no longer trusting anyone anymore.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The more reason for me to love you

Thanks to the Chinese tea I drank just now at church fellowship, now I'm having complete insomnia. @_@ Staring wide-eyes at the laptop screen. Was studying on Behavioral Science notes which will be on the test on Mon, but somehow got bored. Urgh! Screw Dr. Nelson! Postponing exam date + making my life miserable enough even with all those medical stuffs that I've to stuff myself completely for the next 2weeks till finals. Hope my brain cells are left enough for the rest of my life after I've done my 2nd year 1st semester finals.

At church just now, realised that although I love listening to some of the pop musics, apparently I'm not as great as those who most probably treat the karaokes as their 2nd home. Lols. And certainly knowing the songs is one thing, but remembering the lyrics is just more like killing my brain cells the more. *blerkz* And sure hope they provided English songs instead of all Chinese songs, then probably I am still able to contribute a bit to my group. Urgh! One more thing, Michael sure can remember lyrics better, unlike me, and his singing really melts my heart everytime I listened to it. Not mention even by his voice alone. Hehe. *blush* Loving him the more!

I really appreciate everything he did for me. I may be quite unaware sometimes, but not blind and not dumb. Even though I said before that I prefer life being single, but guess I change my mind now since I found my Mr. Right. *grins* At least now I found another great reason to continue my life regardless of what. Best thing is, now my parents know about him and sometimes mum asks about him. Lols. Mum even called me once just to ask what to buy for him. That is quite some progress. Haha. Guess my parents somehow know a bit what's actually happening although I didn't really tell them about our relationship. *winks* So now he's considered part of family to me. =)

My priority in my life:
1. Family (which includes Michael ^^)
2. Health
3. Studies
4. Future career
5.Money (or maybe not?)

God will always top all of them in this list.
Without God's blessings, all of these wouldn't appear in my life. =)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I dream.

Everytime I see people playing with firecrackers or sparklers (仙女棒), I kind of envy these people. Why? Coz the only thing I played with when I was a kid is the sparkler, which is when I only have a hint of memory about it. Firecrackers? Don't think so. My parents just never buy those for us when we were kids.
All I wish is just buy the sparklers and play on a beachside...swinging it around and around like a little girl while admiring the fire burning with all those nice designs! ^^

David Archuleta - Something 'Bout Love

Every night it’s all the same
You’re frozen by the phone, you wait
Something’s changed
You blame yourself every day, you’d do it again
Every night…

There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart
Woah, oh, oh, oh
It sets you free
There’s something ’bout love that tears you up
Woah, oh, oh, oh
You still believe

When the world falls down like rain
It’ll bring you to your knees
Something ’bout love that breaks your heart
Woah, oh, oh, oh
But don’t give up
There’s something ’bout love

When you were young
Scared in the night
Waiting for love to come along
And make it right

Your day will come
The past is gone
So take your time
Live and let live

There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart
Woah, oh, oh, oh
It sets you free
There’s something ’bout love that tears you up
Woah, oh, oh, oh
You still believe

When the world falls down like rain
It’ll bring you to your knees
Something ’bout love that breaks your heart
Woah, oh, oh, oh
But don’t give up
There’s something ’bout love

Don’t fight
Don’t hide those stars in your eyes
Let ‘em shine tonight
Let ‘em shine tonight

Hang on
Hang in for the ride of your life
It’s gonna be alright
Hold on tight

There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart
Woah, oh, oh, oh

There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart
Woah, oh, oh, oh
It sets you free
There’s something ’bout love that tears you up
Woah, oh, oh, oh
You still believe

When the world falls down like rain
It’ll bring you to your knees
There’s something ’bout love that breaks your heart
Woah, oh, oh, oh
But don’t give up
There’s something ’bout love

Woah, oh, oh, oh
It sets you free
There’s somethin’ ’bout love that tears you up
Woah, oh, oh, oh
You still believe

When the world falls down like rain
It’ll bring you to your knees
There’s somethin’ ’bout love

Saturday, September 04, 2010

One week Raya holiday

One week. Or I should say for 9 days I wouldn't be able to see him. *sobz* I just feel so uneasy without him around. Or maybe its a habit with him around for almost 24hours everyday. Even Jee Wei sensed something is just not right without him beside me at all times. Anyway, just sent him off at the KTM station this morning while I'll be going back to Ipoh tomorrow morning together with sis. Will be coming back 4days later though. Just can't study when I'm home. Lols. The temptation of just relaxing with food around at home is so so so irresistable. Hehe. Oh, just now got an international call from across the ocean from Brunei =) Was just sooo happy to just hear his voice~!! Lovely ^^And the best thing is, its actually his parents who allow and teach him to use the international call thingy using the house phone! Hehehehe.

Okle, finish packing already. Already looking forward to seeing him next week. =)