Saturday, March 27, 2010

Caffeine non-resistant

Urgh. Maybe you were right. I should not have taken that cup of coffee. Though its nice having the coffee together with you while we chat. We can do that always. As long as its not before sleeping time. =S Or maybe it has nothing to do with caffeine? Probably its because that I took that 1 hour and a half nap after dinner just now. Now I'm practically wide awake. Spent the time blogging only because I can't concentrate on my antibiotics anymore. Double urgh. Maybe I should have just slept early. But I rather not spend the time turning and tossing and end up having my neck almost sprained like just now. Wonder what time I can finally fall asleep. Caffeine's still not my type. Sigh. Not at night I mean. Though I still prefer coffee to tea. Chinese tea is great but preferrably not english tea. I missed the english tea + creamer + sugar that we drank together during tea time though. *big smiles* (Many thanks to McD for the free creamer + sugar packs. LOL.)

Duh~ The weather's still hot even though there's heavy rain both in the afternoon and in the evening just now. I missed the cold wind and weather last night. =[

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