Saturday, July 10, 2010

Behave and Respect your Partner better than your best friend!

This is something that if you think about consciously for a moment or two – you will realise that a lot – if not most people treat their partner with less respect than they would a good friend. What do I mean by that – well think about it – if your friend does something silly – acts in a stupid way or says something you don’t agree with – you would usually just laugh it off? But if your partner does something along the same lines – a lot of people would jump down their throat - belittle them, nag, tell people what they did and probably not allow them to forget it for a very very long time! You see where I’m going here? Couples are mean to each other and that shouldn’t be the case. They SHOULD, like I said, behave better towards each other than they do with their friends…. Because at the end of the day – your partner should really be your best friend (as well as your love)!

Now – if you would refer to someone else as your best friend over your partner? Then what’s going on in that subconscious mind of yours? Why would someone other than your partner be your best friend? Is it because you need to have a best-friend of the opposite sex? Or if your partner is the same sex as you – do you need a bf as the opposite sex?! You know what… I used to think like that! I did!! I thought that my best-friend had to be separate from my boyfriend. I was wrong back then – because when you are really comfortable and happy and content with your partner – your partner will be it all rolled into one! The full package!! =)

Personally I would be of the opinion now – that one should behave better towards their partner than anyone else they know. They should respect them, praise them, complement them on achievements, encourage their goals, motivate them and basically just treat them as individual adults who you are lucky to have as a part of your life. To be honest – I think if you don’t feel lucky to have found your significant other, or don’t agree with treating them in the best possible way – then maybe you need to reassess your values and the relationship?!

Why not have a look around at the couples you know. Observe them. See how they interact. How they behave and treat each other. Many will treat each other like children – nit-picking, nagging, arguing and belittling each other. I bet they wouldn’t be that way with their friend – so isn’t it a wonder why they are like that with the person that is supposed to mean the world to them? Now look at the other couples, (sadly the minority) who treat each other with the up-most respect. They are the inspiration in today’s relationship society. They are the ones to take tips from…. They are the ones who get my respect and who inspire me to be the best I can be in my relationship.

So now – I say to you – take what you can from this – think about what I have said consciously – and if you have, in the past, not treated your partner with the respect you know in your heart they deserve – then make a change today… and I bet your relationship will extend leaps and bounds above where you are today!!

Respect each other…

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