Saturday, February 27, 2010


Went out with Jee Wei and Diana again. The mission this time? Is to get the very late bday present for Diana. LOL. We've reached an agreement that between us 3 we'll get the bday present that others want. That's why we went all the way to Midvalley to see what D wants. After browsing through the various shops of shoes and female accesories, where my feet gets more and more sore and painful by the minute (thanks to my shoes + flat-footed effect!) AND also the very disturbing growling sound of my stomach..we finally came to those small stalls at the most top floor. There's this brand ==> PetShop..which is a Japanese-made stuffs (its written there) where all the products are made of 100% cotton. The design's cute...but the price's even "cute" @_@ The purses and sling bags really caught my eye..but not in the mood to get one. So only concentrated on getting a nice purse for D. The purse costs 40bucks. But since we've agreed that the maximum budget per person is its just right! =) Mission ACCOMPLISHED!!!

Went to Jusco supermarket to do some shopping. Had lunch at McD. Too full to finish the Chocolate Sundae so I took it back to hostel instead. Once I reached hostel, used 5mins to change into sports attire and go off to play badminton with my gang at Angkasa condo. LOL. Played for almost 2hours. And I love it! ^^ Went back to hostel and bathe and change and I go off to watch Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief with sis. LOL. Only reached hostel at 10pm where we even had supper after the movie. =p Came back to hostel and ended up playing UNO with others till 12am. Conclusion: I wasted my whole day out of my room! And without studying *dash underscore dash*

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