Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Love vs Like

When it comes to the emotions involved in relationships between men and women, there are a lot of grey areas, athough, some are usually clearly defined. One example of the latter, is the way that most people can differentiate the feelings that they have for someone they like, and someone they love.

Let’s take the relationship between a mother and her young son as an example. Naturally, your son would not say: “I like you, mom” – instead it’s “I love you, mom”. In this instance, the difference between love and like is that the emotion between parent and child is something that is unconditional. A child is born loving his or her parents, so the emotion is deeply embedded, and comes naturally.

But if love is unconditional, how about liking someone? This has something more to do with romance, than paternal love. Most men and women who are in a fairly new relationship are usually hesitant to voice their feelings. So, instead of saying: “I love you”, right away, they say: “I like you”, instead.

In the complex world of love, dating and relationships, readily admitting that you love someone may scare the other person away – because it entails a long-term commitment. For men and women, admitting love is usually a signal that the relationship is growing to be more serious, and could eventually lead to marriage.

Let’s take a look at more of the key differences between loving and liking. Liking someone means that you are happy being with that person, while loving someone means that you absolutely cannot bear to be without that person. As cliché as it may seem, liking gives you the proverbial butterflies in the stomach – but loving someone involves something much deeper than that.

All in all, the difference between love and like has something to do with the depth of your emotion towards somebody. Liking may give you that warm, fluttery feeling inside – but it’s mostly superficial. Love, on the other hand, involves much deeper, complex emotions, making it one of the greatest feelings that you will ever have in your lifetime.

Many people think that there is no difference between like and love but I certainly do believe that there is a difference. Like and love are two completely different things. When you like somebody your just getting to know that person and trying to figure out if there is something more between the two of you. Like is not as deep as love is, Like is just like making friends. You don't know if the two of you are going to grow to be the best of friends or discover that you really don't like that person as much as you thought you would. I don't really think that you can lump together like and love because they are so different.

Its one thing to like a person but its quite another to love that person. Don't get me wrong, I mean like is a wonderful thing but when you find love its a spectacular and beautiful thing that two people can share with one another. Love will make you do things that you never thought you would do and like will not. When you love somebody you love all of them even if some of the things they do drive you crazy. Finding love can be difficult and finding to like somebody comes a little bit easier because you know that if you don't like those annoying little habits its easier to get rid of and discover that they are not the one for you.Love is a different thing because love runs deeper than like. Love is more forgiving and more giving than like. You wouldn't just give anything to somebody you liked, but you would for the person that you love because its more special and precious. Like is a precious thing, it just doesn't get put into the same category as love because they are so opposite. Liking somebody is just liking somebody but loving somebody means making more sacrifice, being more giving and being a little bit more honest with somebody.When you like somebody you don't really see a point to being as honest than when you love somebody. Like doesn't mean honesty it means friendship and for a lot of people it will always mean just friendship. Love is more than just a friendship and its more than just honesty. Its about giving, sharing and most of all its about commitment to that one person and nobody else. Love and like are different the only thing is love goes a lot deeper than like ever will.
1. Love is an unconditional emotion, while like is a more watered-down version of love.
2. Loving someone means that he or she means everything to you, while liking someone means that you are simply happy being with that person.
3. Love involves deeper, stronger emotions, while like is more of a tender feeling towards that special someone.
4. Love is another person becoming an integral part of your life, while like is being comfortable in the company of a person.

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