Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pre-Doctor experience

Thanks to my mum's suggestion, I had the chance of being my dad's personal assistant for the night, or maybe for the next few days till I go back to KL next Wednesday. Hehe. Learnt quite alot especially on things like history taking, how to diagnose, what kind of diagnosis is made based on the signs and symptoms, what kind of instruments and solutions are used in bandaging and also the prescriptions to give. All of these really helps alot in my clinicals where we'll be starting hospital attachments in the 2nd week. And certainly, more focus on clinicals and the connection between diseases and drugs to be prescribed. Maybe I should have thought of this long time ago, but guess I'm just too lazy, plus I'm afraid that my dad'll be criticised by his patients for violating their privacy or somesort like that. Looking forward to tomorrow, a new day at dad's clinic again. =)

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