Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Hot spell coming back?

Urgh. Sweaty shirt stuck to my body. Temperature in my room is unbearable, even with a ceiling fan + table fan. How could anyone stand such a weather? Now just hoping that later in the night there would be a thunderstorm to clear the hot waves away. Now I'm getting agitated. Hot weather + unable to finish my behavioral science notes are just not my day. Including together getting stuck in the medical museum room while the lecturers were having meeting outside with the Dean. For almost 2hours. Lucky no one noticed me. Else I would have got a scolding or even thinking that I'm there to eavesdrop on their conversation hoping that they would be discussing on finals paper questions (though I would be glad if they're really talking on the questions =p). Anyway, I just spent my time studying while blocking my ears out with 2 fingers stuck into it from the noise of the construction area AND their loud voice. Michael can't even save me coz' Dr BOO would have chased him out as the same fate of Pravin and Suriya. Sigh.

Tomorrow gonna cover Microbiology + Pharmacology. And maybe Community Medicine. =)

1 comment:

cheesy-pops said...

sweetie, you're so SWEET TO YOUR BOYFRIEND. :) good luck with your studying chica, you know you have the brains to do it.